You and I must win the White House in 2016! That’s why I implore you to sign
the petition urging Dr. Ben Carson to run for President of the United
Please sign right now. Why? Here are 3 reasons...
- Ben
Carson will win. In fact, when I explain, you’ll understand why
he is the only candidate who is sure to win.
- Ben Carson will heal America.
As President he will heal America and unite us as one people working together to
achieve the American dream.
- Ben Carson is a Tea Party
conservative. He has supported the Tea Party since it began and he has
practical, commonsense solutions to the problems that plague our land.
Why is Ben Carson Sure to
In 2011, internal polls showed that Republican Presidential candidate Herman
Cain was backed by 40% of black Americans.
Mr. Cain was well liked, but Dr. Carson is a national hero in the black
If Herman Cain could poll 40% of the black vote running against a black
candidate, just imagine what percent of the black vote Dr. Ben Carson would
receive running against Hillary Clinton or any other far left white
I believe Ben Carson will win more than 50% of the African American
But, if Ben Carson receives just 20% of the black vote, no Democrat candidate
for President, black or white, can win the White House.
That’s right, just 20% of the black
And, the Democrats know it. They know that their grasp on power is hanging by
the thread of the lie that all conservatives are racists.
The election of Ben Carson would create a sea change in American politics. It
would permanently dismantle the Democrat coalition that gives them victory year
after year.
The end of far left Democrat Party
In a head-to-head contest with Hillary Clinton, there’s just no way
that Ben Carson will receive less than 40% of the black vote.
But, the Republican establishment is uncomfortable with Dr. Carson because he
is a conservative, Tea Party Republican. They want another establishment
Republican as their presidential nominee.
And, if the GOP nominates another establishment Republican, Hillary will
The nomination of Dr. Ben Carson is our sure path to victory in
But, Just Winning Isn’t
We must elect a man who will not settle for politics as usual.
We must elect a man who is 100% committed to the United States Constitution,
and to the principles of freedom set forth by the Founders; a man who will
insist on a balanced budget, and who is not a captive of political correctness.
In short, a man with common sense.
And, we must elect a man who has the courage to stand up to the President of
the United States and tell him to his face that Obamacare is a disaster that
must be repealed, just as Dr. Carson did at the National Prayer Breakfast.
Dr. Benjamin Carson is That
This is where Dr. Carson stands on the important issues of our day. If you stand with him, then please sign this petition now.
- National Debt. Cut government spending by 10% each year,
across the board, until the budget is balanced!
- Obamacare. Repeal it! Replace it with a free market health
savings account.
- Taxes. Make it flat and make sure that everyone has skin in
the game. Everyone pays.
- Abortion. End it now! It is barbaric.
- Illegal Immigration. Listen to the American people, secure
our borders. End it.
- Redistribution of Income. Stop it. It’s un-American.
- Welfare. It not only encourages self-destructive behavior,
it is a trap. Replace it
- with a truly compassionate, free market approach that
enables those on welfare to gain prosperity through employment and
- Judges. Appoint judges committed to the US Constitution.
- Political Correctness. It is dangerous. It hinders progress
and divides our nation.
- Right to Keep & Bear Arms. It’s a vital part of the our
Bill of Rights! End of story!
- Democrats and Republicans. Both have been part of the
problem. America first!
The most important reason to support Ben
Dr. Carson is the only man who can heal and unite Americans - black,
white, Hispanic; men, women; employer, employee; young, old.
Only once before, during the Civil War, were Americans as divided as they are
Dr. Carson will end the rancor, the distrust, the divide that has been
crassly exploited by the leftists who control the Democratic Party. He will
unite us as one great nation.
And, Ben Carson is a proud and unrepentant American!
"...there is no country I’d rather be a citizen of and call home than
America. Where else but in this land of opportunity are people given so much
freedom to pursue their dreams, with the potential to bring out the best in
Ben Carson is a winning candidate! But,
will he run?
Almost certainly! He has made it clear he will run if asked, if
This is what he said to a New York Times reporter when asked if he
was considering a run for President...
“Certainly if a year and a half went by and there was no one on the scene
and people are still clamoring, I would have to take that into consideration. I
would never turn my back on my fellow citizens.”
Dr. Carson is just waiting to hear from you and
He agrees with the Founders’ idea of citizen statesmen serving their country,
and that’s why he believes he must be called to serve by American citizens
before being entitled to run.
Are You Ready to Clamor?!
If you want to win in 2016 and you want to end the racial divide,
and elect a genuine conservative as President, then please join me in clamoring
for Ben Carson today.
Please sign the Run, Ben, Run! petition
Dr. Carson is waiting to hear from
Let Dr. Carson know that you want him to run for President in
Ben Carson will run if we send him hundreds of thousands of petitions urging
him to run for President. So won’t you...
Please sign your petition today!
And, when you do so, won’t you please give this effort your most generous
financial support? This is a national campaign. We need your dollars now to start organizing, especially in the
early primary states.
We must generate news and show Dr. Carson that he has national support by
placing billboards in the early primary states and, early in 2014, start running
national radio advertising, to be followed by national television
Your gift of $35 or more today will help pay for a field
organization that will work to put Ben Carson on the ticket in every primary
Don’t forget, the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee
is a Super PAC and that means we can accept contributions of any amount from
individuals, partnerships and corporations.
Establishment Republicans are already running hard and they have deep
financial pockets. They are nice people, but they are not conservatives like you
and me. Their nominee lost the last two elections for President and they are
sure to lose again.
And, of course, Hillary Clinton is trying her best to match Barack Obama’s
billion dollar campaign.
But, you and I can nominate and elect a man the Founders would be proud of, a
man dedicated to the US Constitution and to fiscal responsibility. You and I
must put our efforts and our dollars behind Ben Carson.
Won’t you please strike a blow for victory in 2016, and for freedom,
by donating to the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee
 John Philip Sousa, IV National Chairman
P.S. Don’t just sit back and let the Republican Establishment pick the next
GOP nominee! You can change the future. My great-grandfather was proud to be an
American and I can guarantee you that he would be among the first to put his
name on the petition that clamors for Ben Carson to run for President. That’s why I hope and pray that you will join this crusade to save
America by signing the Run, Ben, Run! petition, and by donating at least $35 to this crucial draft effort. God
bless you and God bless America! |
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