two outspoken, hard-charging liberal women who made big progressive marks in their very conservative state.
Hillary Clinton comes in. Someone has to lay the groundwork for getting Democrats fired up for the 2016 election, and Davis is the perfect candidate to do just that. Yes, 2016 is a long way off, but Texas is a hard political nut to crack for the lefties, so it’s a good idea to start now. And if there is a Democratic woman governor in Texas in 2016? Well, that can only help Hillary if she decides to run for President in three years. With the right get out the vote efforts, the idea of Texas electing a Democratic woman governor (again) and going blue for a Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, isn’t all that far-fetched, even with the Republicans efforts at gerrymandering election districts to try to keep them red, even when there are leaning blue.
Making political inroads in Texas with Latino voters would be just the first step for Hillary Clinton. In terms of wooing one of the fastest growing populations in the country, Clinton will also have her eye on California and Florida. Those three states alone count for 122 electoral votes — if a candidate wins that trifecta, he or she is more than one-third of the way to the necessary 270 in the Electoral College. Throw in a total of 49 from her “home” states of New York and Illinois, and six from Arkansas, and soon you’re talking a real political wave!
The image of Hillary Clinton and Wendy Davis campaigning across that big ol’ Southern state is one we can bank on. Talk about a political one-two punch from the Dems against those good ol’ Texas boys
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