Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wal-Mart Headache for Hillary Clinton.

ABC News has some tapes on Hillary Clinton that are probably giving her a big fat migraine.
Brian Ross, ABC first-rate investigative reporter, has obtained tapes of sessions of the board of directors of Wal-Mart when Hillary Clinton sat as a board member for six years, ending in 1992.

ABC believes the tapes are authentic and claims they were obtained from the service hired by Wal-Mart to record, archive and keep safe tapes of the Wal-Mart board of directors meetings.

 John Gibson writes 

The tapes show that Mrs. Clinton sat silently as Wal-Mart directors planned assaults on labor unions trying to organize Wal-Mart workers
Wal-Mart's anti-union efforts were evidently a key element of business for the board of directors and the tapes of four meetings obtained by ABC News show that Hillary Clinton sat silently and, quoting ABC News now, never once rose to defend the role of American labor unions.

Worse: A former board member told ABC News that he had quote, no recollections of Clinton defending unions during more than 20 board meetings held in private.

Clinton did stick up for Wal-Mart itself. At a June 1990 board meeting she said, quote, "I'm always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else."

Nowdays, of course, Hillary Clinton sticks up for unions and says they have been essential to our nation's success. Further, Clinton now tries to distance herself from Wal-Mart policies and says now she knows better than she knew then.

So when she went along with the anti-union forces, did she do so because she was afraid to speak up? Now that she says she's got the interests of union people at heart, is she telling the truth?
Which is it: Wal-Mart Hillary or wannabe President Hillary?

Will the real Hillary please stand up? Union members might be curious to have the answer.
That's My Word.

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