For all the grief Rubio's endured from the conservative base over his flawed immigration legislation, he's still hanging on to second place in the 2016 sweepstakes -- sandwiched between two moderates. RINOmentum?
Conspicuously absent from the list of options: Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal. I'm slightly perplexed by Scott Walker's standing in this survey, especially vis-a-vis Jeb, who hasn't held elective office since 2007. Sure, Bush did a nice job governing a battleground state a number of years ago, but Walker's running a purple state now -- and he's been pounding the Left into submission at every turn. He trails Christie by double digits? Incidentally, I've heard a strong rumor that Paul Ryan -- whose numbers among national Republicans arestronger than anyone's -- is unlikely to run if Walker jumps in, and vice versa.
In any case, Christie haters (I'm not one for a number of reasons) can take solace in the fact that even though the New Jersey governor leads the pack here, he's also the candidate who receives the highest negative marks from respondents. In other words, he's a lot of people's first choice, but he's quite a few folks' last choice, too. Back to the Pew numbers I referenced in connection with Paul Ryan. The House Budget Committee Chairman enjoys the best favorables by a significant margin, but even Christie's sitting pretty at +17:

The guy with the most upside, at least in that poll, is Cruz. Meanwhile, PPP's latest 2016 survey, setting aside the idiotic George Zimmerman trolling (he's anObama-supporting Democrat anyway), produced a markedly different result:
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