Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ted Cruz handles hecklers, confounds MSNBC hosts at Dallas town hall, The left-wing muckity mucks at NBC continue to obsess over Ted Cruz’s possible 2016 Presidential bid - and that’s great new

A: it means he’s ruffling the right feathers, and B: it means the Peacock will keep supplying us with great video. To prove the latter point, we have a couple of great clips from their coverage of a town hall which took place in Dallas last night.

Cruz was interrupted by a pair of hecklers who began chanting “You have health care, we should too!”  They’re removed by security, and Cruz manages to turn their outburst into a plus agreeing with them.

If there’s one positive thing I can say about Obama, it’s that he never accepts the premise of a negative.  He always manages to find a way to spin these kind of moments into a rallying cry for his true believers.  Nice to see someone on our side who’s capable of doing the same…

Cruz may be right that the OFA goons-for-hire were radically outnumbered, but it seems the brain trust at MSNBC can’t figure out why.  In particular, Chris Hayes is utterly baffled as to why anyone would show up to one of his events.

Can you answer this for me?” Hayes asks. “Who shows up on a Tuesday night or a Wednesday night at 7pm Central Time for a ‘defund Obamacare’ Town Hall?”

The shocking answer seems to be “Ted Cruz supporters who want to defund Obamacare.”  Go figure.
We could never have figured this out on our own, so we should all thank God that the top-notch ‘investigative journalists’ at MSNBC are here to tell us these things!

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