Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rand Paul wins 2016 Republican Straw Poll, Followed by Ted Cruz...No Rick Perry

Burnt Orange Report, or BOR for short, is Texas' largest group political blog, written from a progressive/liberal/Democratic you know 

On Monday former presidential candidate and Fox News Commentator Mike Huckabee released the results of his online straw poll for the 2016 Republican Primary.

The poll of 43,988 matches well with other more scientific polls as of late.Rand Paul took first place followed by Ted Cruz with Texas Governor Rick Perry finishing in 13th as a "Write-in" candidate just in front of Jon Huntsman

he state by state results showed Cruz coming first in Texas followed by Huckabee and Rand Paul. Those results back up prior polls that show Texans aren't enthusiastic about a Perry Administration in the White House. Until his famous flub it appeared the rest of the country was willing to give him a look, and most signs suggest he's preparing to ask them to take another.

Cruz and Perry have an interesting relationship when it comes to endorsements,  read below the jump...

Ted Cruz' recent visits to early primary states and Rick Perry's interstate job baiting suggest that both men are beta testing their rhetoric in less familiar territory.  Unfortunately when you're on the shortlist for President, you don't get to cross state lines without getting the attention of the national press, and unlike Ted Cruz, it seems to be the Governor's Achilles heel.  Ted Cruz's meteoric rise to political fame and front runner status must be frustrating for Perry who had never sniffed electoral defeat until his own ill fated presidential campaign.  It also makes one to wonder if the threat of Cruz's charisma ever crossed Perry's mind when he endorsed Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in the Republican Primary for US Senate. In 2012, Cruz actually endorsed Rick Perry for president calling him a "true conservative," and saying he would, "make a great president."

It is not doubt Perry has met his match politically and he comes straight from his back yard...or does he? At some point the birther argument will come back to hurt Cruz, but at least for now Republicans seem more interested in what is coming out his mouth than where it came from.  In Iowa, the CEO of Family Leader where Cruz spoke said, "Cruz is a phenomenon that I haven't seen the like of in a long time, probably ever.

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