( - Democrat Hillary Clinton says she wants to create more and better-paying jobs for Americans by applying "what we have learned in the last 25 years."
"And for me, I want to bring what we have learned in the last 25 years to bear on making sure we have more good jobs with rising incomes. And that's going to be both unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit of America, supporting small businesses that are not being created and growing at the rate that we expect in our country," Clinton told Fox News's Bret Baier on Wednesday.
"We've got to get back to investing in America, creating the kinds of investments that will produce good jobs and rising incomes in the future," she said.
"So I think there are lessons to learn from what my husband did during his eight years. And I think that President Obama doesn't get the credit he deserves for having to deal with a terrible financial crisis with the great recession when he got into office.
"So I'm going to be looking for good advice, and one of my -- one of my best advisers about what we can do to really help people who feel left out and left behind will be my husband."
Baier asked Clinton what specifically she would do differently with the economy than President Obama has done.
Clinton didn't answer the question at first, telling Baier, "Well, I think that 76 months of job creation is a good start."
Baier repeated, "I mean, what specifically would you do differently than the Obama administration?"
"Right," Clinton responded. "But I think what I want to establish is that we've gotten out of that deep ditch we were dropped into. It took a while because it was a pretty severe recession. And a lot of people haven't yet recovered to where they were before the recession.
"That's why I've said we need a big infrastructure plan. I don't, for the life of me, understand why today's Republican Party in Congress opposes the kind of investments in infrastructure that we've been doing literally from the beginning of the republic.
"I want to have as big an infrastructure project as Dwight Eisenhower had when he did the interstate highways. Our roads, our bridges, our tunnels, our ports, our airports, our water systems -- we have work to do. And it's good work that will put people back into the middle class, keep them there, and it will make us more competitive.
"I also want to do more to incentivize the return and growth of manufacturing jobs in America. And finally, we've got to combat climate change, and I think we do that with clean, renewable energy jobs.
"So I have a specific set of proposals that I think would make a big difference."
With the exception of advice from her husband Bill, Hillary's economic plan is very similar to that of President Obama, who also has plugged infrastructure and clean energy projects as a way to create jobs.
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