Hillary Clinton appeared on “The Daily Show” Tuesday evening, telling host Jon Stewart that her comments about being “dead broke” when she and President Bill Clinton left the White House were simply “an inartful use of words.”
“That was an in artful use of words, obviously,” she told Stewart, repeating a description she’s used before. “You know, Bill and I have worked really hard. We’ve been successful and I’m very grateful for that.”
Rather than keep the focus on her controversial economic statements, though, Clinton shifted the discussion to American opportunity, noting that she’s afraid young people today won’t have the same ability to achieve success that she and her family have enjoyed.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reacts to host Jon Stewart during a taping of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
“I think a lot of people don’t believe it exists for them anymore,” she said of the path to success. ”People don’t feel it and I think we have to change both our economic and our political system so that we can make it a reality again.”
While much of the interview was serious in nature, Stewart joked with Clinton about a possible 2016 campaign, at one point proclaiming, “I think I speak for everybody when I say, ‘No one cares’ — they just want to know if you’re running for president.”
Clinton, who avoided offering a direct response, laughed and joked right along.
“You know Jon, I was going to make an announcement, but I saw you kind of spoiled it for me … so I’m just going to have to reconsider where I go do it,” she said.
Clinton also discussed issues at both the Congressional and executive levels that she believes have prevented — or at least slowed — successful and effective governance.
“I think it’s a combination of both a Congress that is no longer functioning effectively and a very difficult situation in our executive branch … it has not kept up with the times,” she said. “We don’t have the kind of agility, and flexibility and technology, so the bureaucracy moves slowly, the Congress is gridlocked — so we have a crisis in our democracy.”
Watch the first part of the interview below:
Clinton also said she believes the United States isn’t telling its story well.
“We do have a great story,” Clinton said. “We are not perfect by any means, but we have a great story about human freedom, human rights, human opportunity and let’s get back to telling it to ourselves and believing it about ourselves and then taking it around the world.”
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