Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chris Christie: Is The Same As Obama on Common Core/ Christie Moving Closer to Clinton in '16 Matchup

ICYMI: VIDEO: Governor Chris Christie: Republican Governors Are Leading the Way on Common Core

Last week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the KIPP School Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada. He discussed a variety of education reform issues. Check out what he had to say about how Republican governors are leading the movement to raise academic standards.

Question: Republicans in Congress have hardly been carrying the banner of education reform – anti-national testing, anti-Common Core. What’s going on there? I assume you don’t share their views.
Governor Chris Christie on Common Core:

“I don’t. We are doing Common Core in New Jersey and we’re going to continue. And, this is one of those areas where I have agreed more with the President than not. And with Secretary Duncan.
“They haven’t been perfect on this, but they’ve been better than a lot of folks have been in terms of the reform movement.

“I think part of the Republican opposition you see in some corners in Congress is a reaction, that kneejerk reaction that is happening in Washington right now, that if the President likes something the Republicans in Congress don’t. If the Republicans in Congress like something, the President doesn’t.
“It is this mindset in D.C. right now that says we have to be at war constantly. Because to not be at war is to show weakness and to show weakness leads to failure. And, I just don’t buy that.
“In my own state, we haven’t bought that argument between Republicans and Democrats. I have a Democratic Legislature. Every day I wake up knowing I’m not going to get everything I want. So, my job is to figure out how I build consensus; how do I bring change in a way that will be assisted by compromise.

“And, I think that part of the problem in Congress right now on both sides of the aisle is that folks care more about their primaries than they care about anything else. And, as a result they fight some of these things.

“But, what you are finding on a state level is Republican governors, and really a number of governors on the Democratic side as well, are leading the change. We are dragging Washington to the change. Washington isn’t getting there themselves.

“I think it’s because governors have to look in the eyes of those kids. You go to those schools, you meet those parents, and you can’t walk away and not be affected. At least I’m not, and I think a lot of my fellow governors on both sides of the aisle are equally affected.”

Poll: Christie Moving Closer to Clinton in '16 Matchup

Though the Bridgegate scandal has damaged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s presidential prospects, at least one survey suggests he is rebounding slightly. A new McClatchy-Marist poll shows him near the top of the pack of a crowded GOP primary field, and he has reduced the gap between himself and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup.

Christie trails Clinton, 53 percent-42 percent, with 5 percent of voters undecided. But Clinton’s lead over him has shrunk by about 10 points since February (about one month after the George Washington Bridge lane closure scandal became national news).

Christie’s level of support in the GOP primary has remained virtually the same in the poll. Two months ago, he earned about 13 percent of the vote in a hypothetical national Republican primary. That number has declined to 12 percent, and he still hovers near the top of the GOP field.

The clear winner in the poll, however, is Clinton. As the former first lady and U.S. senator considers pursuing the presidency once again, yet another poll shows her leading the Democratic primary and all of her potential Republican opponents.

“Hillary Clinton is very popular among Democrats and may have smooth sailing to the Democratic nomination,” said Marist College Institute for Public Opinion Director Lee M. Miringoff. “She currently dominates a crowded Republican field and continues to break 50 percent against each of her possible GOP rivals.”

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan comes closest to Clinton in a head-to-head matchup: 51 percent of voters support Clinton, eight percentage points more than Rep. Ryan garners. In addition to beating Christie, she also holds double-digit leads over Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, and TV host Joe Scarborough.

Eleven Republicans remain within 10 percentage points of each other in the poll. Huckabee and Bush each garner 13 percent of the vote. Paul, Christie, and Ryan are tied with 12 percent. Rubio, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich all earn less than 10 percent.

The survey of 1,212 national adults was conducted April 7-10 and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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