Hillary Clinton said she “obviously” had disagreements with President Obama when she served as Secretary of State, leaving the door open to criticize Obama’s first-term foreign policy
in a possible presidential campaign.

Clinton, who left the State Department at the conclusion of Obama’s
first term, used the term “obviously” twice in reference to disagreements with Obama.

“I feel comfortable
raising issues with him. I had a very positive set of interactions, even when I disagreed, which obviously occurred, because obviously I have my own opinions, my own views,” Clinton said in an interview with New York magazine Sunday.

She also admits that she’s thinking about running for president

Huma Abedin, who used to make disparaging remarks about a close friend in the office in front other co-workers and then report back to the friend with the co-workers’ reactions about him, will have a role in her 2016 presidential
efforts, according to an Anthony Weiner segment on “Buzzfeed Brews.”

Also, a Super PAC is putting her face on T-shirts in an apparent attempt to win over ironic hipsters thirty years from now.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/23/hillary-i-obviously-disagreed-with-obama/#ixzz2fjcD1Ev7
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