Monday, May 13, 2013

Circling the wagons: Sen. Feinstein says Benghazi hearing all about ‘discrediting Hillary’ [video]

Unbelievable. Yet totally believable coming from Sen. Feinstein.
Sen. Feinstein (D-Calif.) hit “Meet the Press” this morning and she totally let her shameless show.

Wow. To Sen. Feinsten, it’s all about Hillary; She even counted the number of times she was mentioned, apparently.
Uh, perhaps her name was mentioned because she was heading the State Department at the time? Facts are hard. What difference does it make? Hillary’s 2016 chances are in jeopardy and isn’t that what really matters?
Yep. Disgusting. Will she parrot the foul Oliver Willis next and start referring to “Benghazi truthers“? Here is a little tip for you, Sen. Feinstein: Hillary Clinton needs no help discrediting herself. The hearing was about finding truth and justice. Guess what? The truth is that the Obama administration was beyond dangerously incompetent. And they lied, over and over.
Twitter users call her out.
Perhaps Sen. Feinstein would like to talk to the mother of the late Sean Smith, who just wished Hillary Clinton a happy Mother’s Day by saying, “She has her child and I don’t have mine. Because of her.”
But, hey, 2016! Remember this: Democrats will do anything to protect their own, even if it means spitting on the graves of the dead.

Boom: Benghazi mom wishes Hillary Clinton a happy Mother’s Day; ‘She has her child; I don’t have mine’


Pat Smith is the mother of the late Sean Smith, who was slain during the attack in Benghazi. She appeared on Fox News’ “Huckabee” last night and had a little something to say to lying liar who lies, Hillary Clinton.
The Washington Examiner has more:
Huckabee asked Smith if she was somewhat comforted by the Congressional hearings about the attacks last week.
“Absolutely not,” she said. “I am still waiting to answers to just about everything.”
Watch the heartbreaking video here:
Twitter users tweet Mrs. Clinton in support of Pat Smith.
What difference does it make? It matters.

It makes a difference: Twitter sums up #BenghaziInFourWords


When a hashtag like #BenghaziInFourWords is topping Twitter’s list of trending topics on a Saturday night eight months after the fact, it’s a sure sign that the issue of what happened in Libya last September is not going away, and “what difference does it make” is not going to suffice.
Geraldo’s not going to like that one.




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