Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Gary Johnson Is An Idiot, CALF Prop 64 Imposes A 15% Excise Tax On All Marijuana Sales. Gary Johnson That Not Libertarian, If You Read That Libertarian Party By Law's It Call For Tax Cuts Not Rising Taxes.

Imposes a 15% excise tax on all marijuana sales.
- The independent Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) expects annual revenue to eventually reach over $1 billion.
- Saves state and local governments $100 million annually due to reduced legal and incarceration costs.
Directs tax revenues to the newly established California Marijuana Tax Fund.
- 60% of the fund will be directed towards youth substance abuse prevention, treatment, and education.
- 20% goes to helping state and local law enforcement.
- 20% will be used for environmental restoration, cleanup, and enforcement efforts.
- Additionally, a portion of revenue will be allocated for medical marijuana research and to studying implementation outcomes.
- Creates a community reinvestment fund that will allocate tens of millions of dollars annually towards economic development and job placement for neighborhoods most in need.
- A portion of revenue will also be used for medical marijuana research and for studying implementation outcomes.
Greatly reduces – and in many cases, eliminates – criminal penalties for marijuana offenses.
- Would help alleviate the currently overburdened criminal justice system.
Imposes the strictest regulations governing labeling, packaging and testing of marijuana products in the nation. These are designed to protect children from accessing marijuana, and to convey warnings to help adults consume safely.
- The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) will serve as the lead regulatory agency.
- The Department of Public Health (DPH) will oversee testing and manufacturing.
- The Department of Food & Agriculture (DFA) will oversee cultivation.
Favors small scale producers and keeps large corporations from gaining a monopoly.
- Delays issuance of large cultivation licenses for the first five years that AUMA is in effect allowing smaller growers to establish themselves in the market.
- Restricts large producers from vertically integrating with each other.
Legalizes industrial hemp production.
- Hemp products have an astonishing number of useful applications as well as a net environmental benefit.
- Would add millions of dollars to the California economy and create new jobs.
Full initiative text:
LAO fiscal impact statement:
Gary Johnson fails to name a foreign leader he admires.
Gary Johnson, asked during a televised town hall meeting to name a foreign leader he admires, struggled to come up with a single one, saying that he was having an “Aleppo moment”.
On Wednesday, Johnson and his running mate Bill Weld were being interviewed by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who posed the question: “Who’s your favorite foreign leader?”
“Anybody,” he added.
Johnson exhaled hard.
“Mine was Shimon Peres,” Weld, a former governor of Massachusetts, interjected.
But Matthews pressed Johnson. “You gotta do this. Anywhere. Any continent. Canada, Mexico, Europe over there, Asia, South America, Africa – name a foreign leader that you respect.”
“I guess I’m having an Aleppo moment,” Johnson said, then quickly said “the former president of Mexico”.
In the end he was rescued by Weld, who leaned over to identify the name Johnson was scrabbling for – Vicente Fox – and put Johnson out of his misery.
Weld was nominated by Bill Clinton in 1997 to serve as US ambassador to Mexico, but his appointment was blocked by Congress.
Fox, the former president of Mexico, has been extremely vocal in his opposition to Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the border between the two countries. “I am not going to pay for that fucking wall,” he said in February.
Everyone has a mental lapse once in a while – just ask Rick Perry – though Johnson’s foreign policy positions have often run contrary to received wisdom in the area.
In June, Johnson told the Guardian that he felt the US “shouldn’t meddle itself or get involved in” the Israel-Palestine peace process.
- This article was amended to clarify that Vicente Fox did not directly precede Mexico’s current leader, Enrique Peña Nieto
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Clinton borrows Romney 'Binders Full Of Women' To Troll, Proving Again That Hillary and Her Social Justice Warrior Army are Idiots

Hillary Clinton trolled Donald Trump Thursday night after Trump was unable to name any woman besides his daughter, Ivanka, who he would put in his Cabinet.
In reply, Clinton suggested he call Mitt Romney, who famously during in the 2012 campaign that he had "binders full of women" that he was considering for his administration.
Romney was haunted by that remark, as well as his claim that 47 percent of U.S. voters would never vote for him.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s 47% Moment: Calls Trump Supporters ’Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic’? Clinton Call Her Self Methodist? And This What Social-Justice-Warriors Methodist.Dose? Bash Other? That Not Being A Christian, That Being A Fake Christian May Be The Fake Christian Should Read Matthew 15:18 But The Words You Speak Come From The Heart--That's What Defiles You?.
You know to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. “…the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”
Clinton said that it was unfortunate that Trump had given them a voice, citing “offensive mean-spirited rhetoric” on websites and Twitter.
“Some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America,” she said.
She praised the supporters attending her fundraiser as “friends” who were in the “other basket.”
Clinton tried to signal empathy for those were “desperate for a change” pointing out that they felt that “the government has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures.”
“They don’t buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different,” she said, calling for her supporters to “understand and empathize with as well.”
Clinton’s remarks drew comparisons to rhetoric from former failed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who pointed to the 47 percent of America that were just looking for a handout from the government.
Romney’s remarks, made in private, were secretly recorded and made public, dooming his presidential campaign against President Barack Obama.
But the former first lady made her remarks in front of reporters, as she allowed her campaign press pool access to the event.
Clinton’s event was in New York City with Barbara Streisand, who performed a parody of the song “Send In The Clowns” which mocked Trump.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Politico: Team Hillary Confident They Can Run Out The Clock On Clinton Foundation? Here We Go Again. In 2012 Obama And Hillary Try Running-Out-The-Clock-On-Benghazi!
Speaking to Senator Lyndsey Graham, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren expressed disbelief and outrage at the fact that it took two Senators, and not the president, to pressure the Tunisian government to grant FBI access to the Benghazi suspect in custody. The Tunisian man is under investigation for his possible involvement in the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11. The FBI has been denied permission to interrogate him until now.
Graham responded,
“Well, my belief is that this administration is trying to run out the clock when it comes to Benghazi. This is a story that changes by the day. What do we know? We know that before the attack in April and June of this year, the consulate was attacked twice. We know that the British withdrew their — closed their consulate after the British ambassador was attacked in June. We know the Red Cross closed their office in Benghazi after the attack on the Red Cross office.”We know that on August 15, Ambassador Stevens and his security team met and discussed the fact that 10 al Qaeda groups have been identified to be roaming around Benghazi and that they told the State Department, Secretary Clinton August the 16th if there’s a coordinated al Qaeda attack, the consulate will be overrun. So that’s what we know before the attack.During the attack, we know that seven, eight hours goes by, and not one military person was able to help these poor people for over seven hours on September the 11th. And after the attack, the administration for almost two weeks blamed this on a video, a mob and a riot that never existed.The president has been AWOL when it comes to Benghazi, Libya leadership. They’ve been denying and deceiving the public. And the fact that they haven’t pushed hard to get access to this witness is just part of the narrative of running out the clock.
Van Susteren noted the lack of urgency on President Obama’s part and followed up with the following statement,
“And it’s not only that no one bothered to try to see this Tunisian guy. I mean, if two U.S. senators can make a phone call and send a letter and get us contact, but the president of the United States can’t, that’s stunning.”“But there’s even more than that, is that the FBI did visit Benghazi after the attack sometime and left. But then fast forward to last week, October 26th, Foreign Policy journalists go in there, after the place has – – people have been walking all over the place and looking at it, and they he recover documents that are critical to this investigation. Like — like, the FBI didn’t even bother! Like, nobody even cared! Nobody even cared that four Americans are dead! It’s a shabby investigation! We’re not talking to people! Four people died! And I — I mean, you wouldn’t even see that kind of investigation in a local homicide case!”
Read more:
Friday, September 2, 2016
A List Of The Things Hillary ‘Could Not Remember’ Were Have We Hear This Before! Eric Holder I Know Nothing, Same Play Book
Hillary Clinton told FBI agents that she could not recall issues related to her email server at least 26 times, according to an 11-page document released by the FBI on Friday.
Clinton’s memory lapses are frequent during the interview, marked often by agents as “could not recall” and “did not remember.” But the “could not recall” remarks are often related not to long-distant emails, but things she should perhaps definitely recall.
At least 26 times, Clinton couldn’t recall issues raised by the FBI. Clinton told FBI agents she couldn’t even remember any briefing or training by State “related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information.”
And Clinton told the FBI she could not recall any briefing after her December 2012 fall that left her with a concussion, an admission that will surely stoke concerns about Clinton’s health and physical fitness to serve in the job of president.
Most surprisingly perhaps: Clinton said she “did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not be on an unclassified system.” Clinton said she relied on employees’ judgment in sending her emails.
But Clinton’s memory doesn’t just fall short on email servers, vital procedures and possible security problems. When asked by the FBI to give an example of how a federal document arrives at classification, Clinton couldn’t. The FBI document is sure to raise issues about how Clinton and President Obama’s State Department handled secure papers and emails.
Clinton could not even recall when she got her security clearance. She told FBI agents she wasn't sure if she carried it over from the U.S. Senate or if she got it from State. But perhaps even worse, Clinton told FBI agents she couldn't even remember any briefing or training by State "related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information."
That admission could raise the question if Clinton was ever trained at all in handling secret information.
Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview:
- When she received security clearance
- Being briefed on how to handle classified material
- How many times she used her authority to designate items classified
- Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret "Special Access Program" material
- How to select a target for a drone strike
- How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices
- The number of times her staff was given a secure phone
- Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry
- Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system
- Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account
- Getting guidance from state on email policy
- Who had access to her Blackberry account
- The process for deleting her emails
- Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full
- Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server
- Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked
- Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts
- Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server
- Using an iPad mini
- An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal
- Jacob Sullivan using personal email
- State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports
- Every briefing she received after suffering concussions
- Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012
- Being read out of her clearance
- Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her account
It is a "time-honored tradition in Washington scandals" to claim one doesn't recall as they were busy being busy Washington officials, The Associated Press said in a 2005 report on common criminal defenses inside the Beltway.
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